我们提供全面的泄漏检测和修复(LDAR)服务,以减少voc和VHAPs(挥发性有害空气污染物)的排放,并确保符合环境法规. Our team supports you to maintain site safety, minimize operational disruption and meet environmental goals.


What is Leak Detection And Repair (LDAR)?


im体育APP’s LDAR services involve systematic monitoring procedures, 通过光学气体成像(OCI)相机等技术确保合规, Flame Ionisation Detection (FID), Photo Ionisation Detection (PID) and Method 21 monitoring.


Why is LDAR important?

LDAR计划旨在减少各种类型的组件和阀门泄漏造成的排放. 监管机构对许可证进行审计和条件审查,以确保工业设施遵守旨在减少排放的法规.


The benefits of choosing im体育APP’s LDAR services

  • Minimize operational disruptions to improve overall process efficiency. 我们的LDAR程序为您提供解决问题和改进操作所需的数据.
  • 通过最大限度地减少逸出排放物,为员工和周围社区维护安全的工作环境. We pinpoint leaks to specific components, 允许您识别危险区域并进行适当的现场修改.
  • Identify product loss from leaking components and increase profitability. 我们按类型确定排放目标,以便您更好地了解和规划损失. 
  • 选择英国最大的空气排放采样团队的经验和专业知识. 我们的专家遍布11个地区办事处,随时为您提供快速有效的支持.
  • Remain compliant with the latest environmental regulations. 我们与最新的环境法规保持同步,以确保您的站点为所有合规挑战做好准备.
  • Utilize our digital platform, e-mission to track and trend emissions data. 我们的平台旨在简化环境合规管理并提供数据可见性,以帮助您减少排放并提高运营效率.

Maintain environmental compliance

不遵守环境法规可能导致罚款和处罚, potentially harming the company's reputation and net zero goals. Leaking equipment can disrupt operations and reduce process efficiency, leading to increased downtime and maintenance costs.

为LDAR程序选择im体育APP可为您提供维护工业站点和遵守法规所需的数据. Our team utilize precise instruments to locate the source of leaks, 允许您对基础设施进行维护,以保持完全运行.


Ensure site safety

Leaking components can contribute to a hazardous work environment, endangering the safety of employees and site visitors. Unknown emissions contribute to site air pollution and contamination, potentially harming the wider environment and causing public health concerns.

我们的LDAR计划精确定位工业场所的泄漏源,以最大限度地减少排放暴露并维护员工安全. LDAR还确定了与泄漏有关的更广泛的排放危害,这些危害可能影响围栏线以外的环境.



Senior Technical Advisor, 环境 欧洲

Patrick O ' brien

Patrick O ' brien

Operations Manager, 环境 欧洲


Our LDAR services and capabilities

We follow the six steps below to ensure an effective LDAR testing program, 初始设置需要时间,但一旦建立,流程简化,开销最小.

  1. 组件标识:创建所有适当组件的电子日志, assigning unique IDs and physically locating them on site diagrams. Maintain a comprehensive site plan of all components, updating the log as components are replaced or repaired.
  2. Leak Detection Procedure: Develop a site-specific leak detection procedure, 根据特定地点的甲烷浓度确定泄漏阈值. Components exceeding 2.5% of the leak threshold are considered leaking.
  3. 监测过程:按照我们的技术取样程序方法检测VOC泄漏, focusing on valves and connectors that are prone to major leaks.
  4. Reporting Results: Provide clear results to the client, updating the electronic log with findings, 时间戳, and measured component results. Highlight leaking components based on the established leak definition.
  5. Component Repair: Operators are responsible for repairing leaking components, following first-step repair procedures. Update the electronic log with repair actions. 需要大量维修的部件可以推迟到预定的维修期.
  6. 记录保存和审核:保持所有泄漏检查程序的电子记录, including 时间戳 and concentration data for each component. Reduce check frequency for consistently non-leaking components, documenting changes in the electronic register.


The im体育APP advantage

We operate the UK & 爱尔兰最大的空气质量工程师团队,遍布我们的11个区域办事处网络. 我们提供无与伦比的采样设备和im体育平台app下载领先的仪器. 您可以信任我们为您的网站提供准确、可靠的数据和无与伦比的专业知识.

我们的服务最大限度地减少了运营中断,提高了整体流程效率. 通过识别和处理泄漏组件造成的产品损失,您可以提高盈利能力. 此外, we prioritize safety, 为员工和周边社区维护一个安全的工作环境.

联系 我们友好的环境合规团队之一,他们将很乐意讨论您的要求

环境 测试 and Compliance Content

Discover our environmental thought leadership content including articles, 白皮书, case studies and FAQs.

Written by our industry experts, 我们探索了一系列与我们如何帮助客户遵守环境法规和维护安全运营相关的实验室和现场主题.


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